How To Get Rid of Smokers Wrinkles
Around Mouth

Smokers Wrinkles Around Mouth

Smokers wrinkles around mouth are often called “smoker’s lines.” which can turn permanent over time. They can disappear with time after quitting smoking.

Although wrinkles are a common sign of aging, smoking increases the risk of developing wrinkles around the mouth due to decreased blood flow and the breakdown of collagen and elastin.

Smokers can take a few steps to reduce the appearance of smoker’s lines, including:

  •  Quit smoking
  •  Use a moisturizer
  •  Use a sunscreen
  •  Get enough sleep
  •  Eat a healthy diet

If you smoke and are nervous about the wrinkles around your mouth, consider quitting smoking. The best way to protect the delicate skin around your mouth and help prevent wrinkles from forming.

Causes and Treatment Options

Cigarette smoking poses serious health risks and has visible effects on the appearance of your skin, particularly around the mouth area. Smokers’ wrinkles, also known as perioral wrinkles, are lines and creases that form around the lips and can significantly contribute to an aged and tired appearance. Improving your skin’s health involves understanding the causes and treatment options for wrinkles.

The primary cause of smokers’ wrinkles is the frequent pursing of the lips when inhaling and exhaling smoke. This repetitive motion and cigarette heat and chemicals can weaken and damage the skin’s collagen and elastin fibers. Collagen maintains the skin’s firmness, while elastin allows the skin to retain its natural elasticity. The breakdown of these essential proteins leads to the formation of wrinkles.

There are various treatment options available. One of the most effective approaches is to quit smoking altogether. It eliminates repetitive lip movements and improves your overall health and well-being. Quitting smoking can halt further damage to your skin and allow it to repair itself over time naturally.

Beyond quitting smoking, cosmetic procedures can help minimize the appearance of smokers’ wrinkles. Dermatologists commonly recommend treatments such as dermal fillers, laser resurfacing, chemical peels, and micro-needling. These procedures stimulate collagen production, smooth wrinkles, and improve skin quality around the mouth. Also, reduce the appearance of smile lines.

It is important to note that while these treatments can provide noticeable improvements, they are not permanent solutions. Implementing a comprehensive skincare routine that includes daily sun protection, regular moisturizing, and specialized anti-aging products is essential. A well-balanced diet, regular exercise, and sufficient hydration can help improve skin health and appearance.

In conclusion, smokers wrinkles around mouth are a visible consequence of cigarette smoking. Quitting smoking is the best way to prevent further skin damage and promote regeneration. Additionally, seeking professional treatments can help reduce the appearance of existing smokers’ wrinkles. Remember to consult a dermatologist or skincare expert to discuss the best treatment options for your specific needs.


Smoking lines are wrinkles around the mouth from years of smoking cigarettes. If you’re a smoker, you’ve noticed these lines forming. And if you’re looking to quit smoking, you may wonder how to eliminate them.

There are a few options for getting rid of smoking lines. You can try laser resurfacing, which involves utilizing a laser to eliminate the outermost layer of the skin. It can help smooth wrinkles and give your skin a more youthful appearance. You can also try fillers; this substance is injected into the skin to increase volume and smooth out wrinkles.

If you’re willing to eliminate your smoking lines, the best thing you can do is quit smoking. It will help eliminate your lines and improve your overall health. So, if you’re ready to quit smoking, there are plenty of ways to help you. Ensure your commitment to the process and plan to leave for good.

In Summary

Smoking lines, also known as smoker’s lines, are the vertical lines that form around the mouth due to smoking cigarettes. While these lines are not permanent, they can be challenging to eliminate.

There are a few methods to eradicate smoking lines, including:

  • If you use a skincare product that has retinol or vitamin C
  • Getting dermal fillers
  • Undergoing a chemical peel
  • Doing laser skin resurfacing

For guidance, seek advice from a dermatologist or plastic surgeon on which treatment option is right for you.


Smokers Wrinkles Around Mouth

Smokers’ wrinkles are a telltale sign of aging and can be challenging to eliminate. Chemical peels are one treatment option that may help make these wrinkles look better.

It is on the skin as a solution during a chemical peel to remove its outer layer cells. It can improve the appearance of wrinkles by doing this, and other signs of aging, such as sun damage and uneven skin tone.

There are various kinds of chemical peels; the best ones are by certain factors to your specific needs. Numerous chemical peels are available, and your doctor can recommend the right one for you based on your particular needs.

 Although most chemical peels are secure, there are some risks involved. Always discuss all medical issues with your doctor and the possible risks and benefits before you undergo this treatment.

Lip Wrinkles From Smoking

Smoking cigarettes is among the worst things you can do to your health. In addition to causing wrinkles and early aging, it can also result in lip wrinkles on the upper lip. These wrinkles can be difficult to eliminate, so avoiding them is best.

Wrinkles can form on the lips and the skin around the lips. They may appear as fine vertical lines, stretching from one side of the mouth to the other. 

Fortunately, various remedies are available to assist smokers in diminishing the visibility of wrinkles around the mouth. Lip augmentation, for example, is widespread; there is a treatment that can enhance the fullness of the lips and smooth out wrinkles. There is also another treatment available.

Lip augmentation is a cosmetic surgery that gives you fuller, more voluptuous lips. The surgery involves injecting artificial fillers into the lips to increase their size. Lip augmentation performed in their medical office is a reasonably quick and easy surgery.

Before plastic surgery for your lips, consult a plastic surgeon to discuss your expectations. The surgeon will then be able to provide you with professional advice and guidance on the best type of filler to use and will assist you in getting the desired look.

If you smoke, you can do quite a few things to minimize the appearance of lip wrinkles. First, try to smoke less; it will help keep your skin moisturized and decrease the number of toxins that come into contact with your skin.

Second, use a good lip balm or Chapstick to protect your lips from the harsh smoke. It is the best way to prevent lip wrinkles and to keep your skin looking its best. Finally, try to quit smoking altogether.

Chemical Peels

Smokers often develop wrinkles around the mouth due to the constant pursing of the lips when smoking. These wrinkles can be difficult to eliminate, but laser resurfacing can be an effective treatment option.

Concentrated light beams are used in laser resurfacing to treat the skin. This helps to stimulate the production of collagen and can help to improve the appearance of wrinkles.

If you are a smoker considering laser resurfacing, it is crucial to quit smoking before and during treatment. This will help to improve the efficacy of the treatment and will also help to reduce the risk of side effects.

If you are considering laser resurfacing to improve the appearance of smokers’ wrinkles, be sure to seek the advice of a board-certified dermatologist or plastic surgeon to see if this treatment is proper for you.

Laser Resurfacing 

Smokers often develop wrinkles around the mouth due to the constant pursing of the lips when smoking. These wrinkles can be difficult to eliminate, but laser resurfacing can be an effective treatment option.

Concentrated light beams are used in laser resurfacing to treat the skin. Stimulating collagen production is possible and can help improve wrinkles’ appearance.

If you are a smoker considering laser resurfacing, quitting smoking before and during treatment is crucial. It will help to improve the efficacy of the treatment and will also help to reduce the risk of side effects.

If you are considering laser resurfacing to improve the appearance of smokers’ wrinkles, consult a dermatologist or a board-certified plastic surgeon to see if this treatment is proper for you.

Lip Fillers

Smokers wrinkles around mouth are a common problem for many people who smoke. Lip fillers can help reduce these wrinkles, giving you a youthful appearance.

If you are a smoker considering lip fillers, you should know a few things. You are first; quitting smoking before any cosmetic procedure is essential, as smoking can lead to complications. Second, you should consult a board-certified plastic surgeon to ensure you are a good candidate for lip fillers.

The procedure involves injecting various substances; injecting hyaluronic acid into the lips adds volume and definition. Sometimes, due to adverse side effects. It causes lip swelling or bruising and can be treated with proper aftercare for those considering lip fillers, achieving fuller lips, or undergoing a surgical lip lift. It is advisable to consult with a certified cosmetic surgeon to explore your options and find the best approach for you.

Smokers Wrinkles Around Mouth


Dermal Fillers are substances injected into smooth male facial lines, similar to BOTOX®️. One of the fantastic things about dermal fillers is that they act as collagen fertilizers when injected into tissue, leading to further rejuvenation over time rather than just immediate correction. 

Because mandibular advancement splints are used on many men suffering from sleep apnea, causing teeth to grind in their sleep, this also causes male facial aging around the jawline over time.

Using dermal fillers corrects or rejuvenates these deeper lines in much the way that BOTOX®️ leads to lessened bearded expression wrinkles. We can also use dermal fillers easily under your beard if that’s what you prefer, whereas there are no excellent Botox alternatives for this area in my experience. 

About 20% of people will occasionally experience itching from recent injections with little bumps called molluscum virus, approved for clearing your skin with something not desired with a beard, anyhow! We often caution men about letting us know if their beards remain itch-free, which would require letting us know one month after injection for filling areas like the marionette lines.

Treatment #1 - Dermal fillers

Dermal Fillers are substances injected into smooth male facial lines, similar to BOTOX®️. One of the fantastic things about dermal fillers is that they act as collagen fertilizers when injected into tissue, leading to further rejuvenation over time rather than just immediate correction. 

Because mandibular advancement splints are used on many men suffering from sleep apnea, causing teeth to grind in their sleep, this also causes male facial aging around the jawline over time.

Using dermal fillers corrects or rejuvenates these deeper lines in much the way that BOTOX®️ leads to lessened bearded expression wrinkles. We can also use dermal fillers easily under your beard if that’s what you prefer, whereas there are no excellent Botox alternatives for this area in my experience. 

About 20% of people will occasionally experience itching from recent injections with little bumps called molluscum virus, approved for clearing your skin with something not desired with a beard, anyhow! We often caution men about letting us know if their beards remain itch-free, which would require letting us know one month after injection for filling areas like the marionette lines.

Treatment #2 - Microneedling therapy​

This technique uses tiny needles to slightly penetrate/injure skin cells only 0.1 mm into the 50 superficial epidermis. This injury to simple epidermis cells induces new collagen formation and improved cellular function.


Less downtime, 

Cosmetic improvement in skin tone and pore size, 

Increased collagen production and a positive effect on pigmentation. 

Cost of treatment?

– CDN$ 300/session for three sessions/$250 per session if the package is purchased (SPA- MD OILY SKIN KIT)

Treatment #3 – customized chemical peeling to improve acne /seborrhoeic dermatitis costs around CDN$350 – CDN$2000+ and usually takes 1 – 3 days to heal.

Can use other treatments in addition to these planned treatments where needed. Otherwise, you will undergo a monthly review and change your topical anti-seborrhoeic drug. Plans are flexible depending on the severity and nature of your health problem. In the Maintenance stage, for example, you may only need once or twice weekly use of some medications before bedtime.

Smokers Wrinkles Around Mouth


Those who smoke understand how difficult it can be to quit. But did you know there are remedies for this? Available that can help you quit smoking for good? These treatments can vary depending on your individual needs, but they all have one goal: to help you kick the habit for good.

If you’re prepared to stop smoking, Consult your doctor about the appropriate treatment essential to determine the most proper treatment plan for your needs. Various smoker lines treatments are available; the best one for you depends on your unique situation. Multiple treatments, including nicotine replacement therapy, cognitive behavioral therapy, and acupuncture, are popular and effective. 

1. Tobacco and Nicotine Treatment

They are taking pills as a supplement. Evidence-based behavioral therapy and medications treat dependence on tobacco or nicotine products. 

Several have received FDA approval from the US medications for use in smoking cessation: Bupropion and nortriptyline, Which are controversial because their effectiveness may decrease over the day and increase the risk for psychiatric events like irritability, depression, and sleep disturbances. To help you in your effort, consider taking supplements with unique active ingredients that enable you to quit quickly and effectively.

2. Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT)

This psychotherapy seeks to help people identify problematic thought patterns contributing to their destructive behavior, including smoking cigarettes, to self-medicate negative emotions. CBT can target these thoughts directly and guide how to change them, but not everyone will respond equally well to this form of quitting help.

3. Hypnosis

Hypnosis involves focused attention and relaxation to achieve a lighter state of consciousness in which suggestions for behavior change can make their way more easily into the smoker’s awareness (the possibility that they will be beneficial and willing to try actions such as quitting smoking). 

Despite its unscientific reputation, there is a fair amount of evidence that hypnosis can promote positive changes in smoking behaviors, and it doesn’t appear to have any overly problematic side effects (consult your physician; it would be wise beforehand if you have had problems managing anxiety or depression in the past)

Hypnotic therapy may work well for those who are highly suggestible and interested in the concept because so much of the success of hypnosis is determined by receptivity and willingness, as opposed to conscientious commitment.

Will Smoking Wrinkles Treatment Hurt?

Smoking wrinkles treatment is a non-invasive treatment that utilizes laser energy to target and reduce the appearance of wrinkles caused by smoking specifically. The process is effective and safe, but there is a small risk of side effects, such as temporary skin irritation, redness, and swelling. 

Smokers’ wrinkles, also known as perioral wrinkles, are a common side effect of smoking. While various treatments are available, it is essential to note that some treatments can be painful. Suppose you are considering a smoker’s wrinkles treatment. Please discuss the possible risks with your doctor regarding side effects.


The Harmful Chemicals in Cigarettes

Chemicals in cigarette smoke are dangerous and can damage the skin. These chemicals include carbon monoxide, tar, and nicotine. When carbon monoxide binds to hemoglobin in the blood, it reduces the blood’s ability to carry oxygen.

It may also result in wrinkles and other skin problems. Tar is a dense material that has the potential to cause blockages and pores and cause blackheads and acne. Nicotine narrows blood arteries, which decreases blood flow to the skin. It can make the skin dry and wrinkled.

Smokers Wrinkles Around Mouth

The Dehydrating Effect of Smoking

Smoking also has a dehydrating effect on the skin. It is because nicotine causes the body to release water from cells, including those in the skin. It can lead to dryness, flaking, and wrinkles.

The Damage Smoking Does to Collagen and Elastin. Smoking also damages collagen and elastin; two skin require specific vital proteins to maintain firmness and elasticity. When these proteins are damaged, the skin becomes loose and saggy.

Collagen for acne scars 

Many individuals turn to collagen treatments to treat smokers wrinkles around mouth. Collagen is vital for skin strength, elasticity, and firmness, but as we age, its production decreases, leading to wrinkles and loss of elasticity. Additionally, acne scars can result in an uneven skin texture and pigmentation.

Collagen treatments for smokers’ wrinkles involve injecting collagen into the skin around the mouth area, effectively addressing concerns such as wrinkle injections. These collagen are carefully injected into targeted areas to restore volume, improve skin texture, and smooth out wrinkles.

Another use for collagen treatments is in the treatment of acne scars. Acne scars affect many individuals and can significantly impact self-confidence. Collagen treatments can help to fill in the indentations left by acne scars, resulting in a smoother complexion.

Collagen treatments are effective, but they provide a temporary solution rather than a permanent one. Over time, the body will naturally break down the injected collagen, and additional treatments may be necessary to maintain the desired results. Collagen treatments may not be suitable for everyone, so a consultation with a medical professional must determine if this treatment is proper for you.

In conclusion, collagen treatments are popular for addressing smokers wrinkles around mouth and acne scars. Consult a medical professional to determine if collagen treatments are the best option to improve your skin’s appearance and boost your self-confidence.


Use a Moisturizer that Contains Hyaluronic Acid

When attempting to remove wrinkles caused by smoking around your mouth, one of the best things you can do is use a moisturizer that contains hyaluronic acid. 

Are you aware that Hyaluronic Acid is a substance that occurs naturally? It’s incredible how our bodies can produce such beneficial compounds and help maintain the skin’s hydration and plumpness. Using a moisturizer containing this ingredient can assist this product in decreasing the visibility of fine lines and wrinkles in the surrounding area of the face—your mouth. 

Use an Anti-Wrinkle Cream that Contains Retinol

In addition to using a hydrating moisturizer, another effective way to reduce smokers’ wrinkles is by using an anti-wrinkle cream that contains retinol. 

A type of vitamin A called retinol helps encourage collagen production and promote cell turnover, which may be beneficial in diminishing wrinkles’ appearance. If you’re using a retinol cream, apply it at night before bed, as sunlight can break down this ingredient.

Use a Facial Mask that Contains Collagen

Another helpful tip for reducing smokers’ wrinkles is to use a facial mask that contains collagen. A collagen protein helps keep healthy skin firm and elastic, and when applied topically in a cover, it can temporarily help fill fine lines and wrinkles.

Look for a facial mask containing hydrolyzed or marine collagen, easily absorbed by the skin. Apply the show for 20-30 minutes once or twice weekly for best results.

Exfoliate the Skin Around Your Mouth

Exercising the skin around your mouth regularly can also help reduce smokers’ wrinkles.  Exfoliation is beneficial in eliminating dead skin cells from the skin surface, revealing fresh, new cells underneath. When these new cells are exposed, they can help give the skin around your mouth a more youthful appearance. 

Exfoliating your skin comes in various forms; try using an exfoliating scrub or brush for the best outcomes every two to three days.


Quit Smoking

The easiest way to stop this is to The harmful chemicals in cigarettes damage collagen and elastin, which leads to wrinkles. In addition, smoking dehydrates the skin and prevents it from getting the nutrients it needs to stay healthy. The simplest way to stop this is to stop smoking wrinkles around the mouth.

Use a Humidifier

Your skin can stay hydrated by using a humidifier and prevent wrinkles. Cigarette smoke strips moisture from the air, so a humidifier can help replenish it. Ensure to routinely clean your humidifier to prevent mold and bacteria from growing.

Drink a Lot of Water

A healthy lifestyle requires drinking enough water. Smoking dehydrates the body and robs the skin of its natural moisture, so drink plenty of water throughout the day. It keeps your skin moisturized and protects against wrinkles by maintaining collagen and elastin health.

Protect Your Skin from the Sun

Wrinkles from sun exposure, particularly around the mouth, where the skin is thinner. Cigarette smoke makes the skin more susceptible to sun damage, so wear sunscreen outdoors.

CONCLUSION - Smokers Wrinkles around Mouth

Smoking is highly detrimental to the health of your skin. Cigarette chemicals damage collagen and elastin, dehydrate the skin and cause wrinkles. You can do a few things if you smoke and want to eliminate smokers wrinkles around mouth. 

To prevent smokers’ wrinkles from forming in the first place:

  1. Quit smoking and take care of your skin by using a humidifier, drinking plenty of water, and protecting it from the sun.
  2. Apply a moisturizer with hyaluronic acid on your skin, an anti-wrinkle cream that contains retinol, and a facial mask that contains collagen.
  3. Exfoliate the skin around your mouth to remove dead skin cells.